Matt Pietrek and Carrie Smith - Team Wonk Press

About Wonk Press

Wonk Press creates extraordinary books that resonate deeply with their target audience.

We are proudly direct-to-consumer, enabling our authors to be fairly compensated and for us to create titles that large publishers overlook.

We never squeeze our titles into a cookie-cutter template. Instead, we deeply collaborate with our authors to bring their amazing words and imagery to life. We only use top quality paper, ink, and bindings and all our books are heralded for their high quality and production standards.

The success of our first two books, Minimalist Tiki and Modern Caribbean Rum, proved our profit-sharing model could work for other authors.

Wonk Press was started in 2019 by Carrie Smith and Matt Pietrek. They live in New Orleans with their boxers, Nelson and Rodney.